Joey McIntrye for "The Kelly Clarkson Show"
Source: member Joey Mcintrye came on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" to promote his new single"Own This Town"-Joey talks about Halloween with the kids this year and...
View Article"Parent Trap" 1998 cast reunited
Source: 1998 cast of the remake of the 1961 film starring Hayley mills, "The Parent Trap", reunited for the 22nd anniversary of the film.
View ArticleMariah Carey makes a surprise appearance at the Hocus pocus reunion spicial
OMG @MariahCarey telling Winifred Sanderson to "scat!" bc "Halloween is nearly over... It's my turn now!" 🤣🤣🤣 ICONIC.— Mark Sundstrom...
View ArticleAlice in Chains, Anthrax, and Mastodon members honour Chris Cornell with a...
.@AliceInChains, @Anthrax, @mastodonmusic Members Honor @chriscornell With 'Rusty Cage' Cover— SPIN (@SPIN) October 30, 2020This post's headline says it all. Those who...
View ArticleBeBe Rexha is quizzed by Alicia Silverstone on "Clueless"
Source: Rexha has said she is the biggest fan of "Clueless", so Billboard had Alicia Silverstone herself quiz her.BeBe gets every question right and quizzes Alicia.How...
View ArticleUrban Outfitters releasing a new Britney Spears track on vinyl + Song Preview BIGGEST 11/11 reveal: an unreleased track (!) from @britneyspears is available today only on vinyl, exclusively at UO! get yours before they're gone:...
View ArticleSORTEDfood: 2 Chefs Review The Friends Official Cookbook
'Could we BE anymore excited about this episode!? Today, our SortedFood resident Chefs, Ben and James are challenged to cook three incredible recipes from the official Friends cookbook by Amanda Nicole...
View ArticleYour internet is fine, YouTube is down
If you’re having trouble watching videos on YouTube right now, you’re not alone – our team is aware of the issue and working on a fix. We’ll follow up here with any updates.— TeamYouTube (@TeamYouTube)...
View ArticleWhy Arcades Are Still Thriving In Japan - Cheddar Explains
American arcades are largely dead, killed by negative public sentiment and advancements in personal gaming. But arcades in Japan were able to survive and today are thriving. Even amidst a global...
View ArticleBrandon Flowers Original: Songs you'd hear at a Borders listening station
Was he inspired by our very own ONTD Original: Songs You’d Hear In A H&M Dressing Room? Flowers and someone named Snake compiled a list of songs you'd...
View Article‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion’ Trailer with Surprise Guest.
'30 years later, we're bringing the Banks family back together! Join Will and Tatyana Ali, Karyn Parsons, Joseph Marcell, Daphne Maxwell Reid, Alfonso Ribeiro and DJ Jazzy Jeff, for a funny and...
View ArticleONTD Original: An ode to early 2000s Euro-Trash Dance Music
Remember when life was simpler? When charts didn't matter and musicians focused on making ART? Well, look no further. Let's travel back together to when one of history's most underrated genres ruled...
View ArticleMariah finally found and releases 'Underneath the Stars' MV
Little known fact, I actually shot a video 4 "Underneath The Stars" in France & England that never got released & I don't know where it is!— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) February 11, 2012The...
View ArticleONTD Original: The best cartoon intros
It's time for some more nostalgia after last night's trip down memory lane. Tonight, i give you my personal favorites from the great genre that is TV Cartoon Intros.Disclaimer: I'm born in Europe in...
View ArticleDame Shirley Bassey earns UK record for final album + covers Beyoncé Diva of all Divas still has it!Dame Shirley Bassey becomes the first first female artist to register a UK Top 40 album for seven consecutive decades, with her...
View ArticleThe Fresh Prince of Bel Air reunion is now streaming on HBO Max
#FreshPrinceReunion Thank you all for the love...the understanding especially you Will. It was amazing seeing you all again. Be blessed, this is my story all about how...healing happened.— Janet Hubert...
View ArticleBlacktress Janet Hubert and Blacktor Will Smith heal their blackt-ing feud
"You took all of that away from me, with your words," Hubert tells Will during the #FreshPrinceReunion— TooFab (@TooFab) November 19, 2020Chalk it up to 2020 having its own end...
View ArticleAnimaniacs goes after Hollywood for reboots/revivals
-Animaniacs (which is out today) spent it's first episode making fun of Hollywood for rebooting and reviving everything and lacking originality.-Shows that were featured ever so briefly in their talks...
View ArticleONTD Original: The Black-haired Trinity of the early 00s
While the most remembered female acts of the early 00s were probably the Blonde Trinity (Britney, Christina and Jessica Simpson or was it Mandy?) came the anti-manufactored Black-haired female artists...
View ArticleBritney Spears set to re-release her album Glory
Britney Spears is apparently re-releasing her 9th studio album Glory, four years after its original release.The website Vintage Vinyl includes this description: "Britney Spears’ Deluxe version of...
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