"I don’t want to be dramatic, but if I read one more headline that says “Could we BE any more excited?” about some Friends-related news, I will throw myself into the nearest active volcano." https://t.co/SlWdQDgXkH
— BuzzFeed Reader (@reader) August 29, 2019
To mark the upcoming 25th anniversary of “Friends,” BuzzFeed writer Scaachi Koul wrote an article that has caused a ruckus on social media. Some agree, some do not, others say “click bait.”
Highlights include:
“But loving Friends in 2019 requires a level of mental gymnastics that should force the show to remain a forgotten blip in the past.”
“Rachel got off the plane!!! I was glad, but I was also a virgin and didn’t understand that surely Rachel could find some other dick somewhere in Paris.”
“Friends, a show about white people being thin and having the pointiest nipples in the continental Americas — and a show that I, at one time, watched and enjoyed — is absolute garbage.”
Read the full “hot take” at the first source.
So @BuzzFeed released an article about how ‘Friends’ is ‘absolute garbage’. Now I have great respect in the belief that we are all entitled to our opinions. And it is my humble opinion that this article, like most of BuzzFeed’s articles, is ‘absolute garbage’.
— Jason Pellegrini (@JPellegrini1983) August 30, 2019
I mean yeah Friends may be a little overrated but i don’t think anyone that works for Buzzfeed has the right to call anything garbage https://t.co/qlqY5qIgfh
— Nichole Perry (@nicholeperry01) August 29, 2019
BuzzFeed: uses FRIENDS as a cornerstone of content, capitalizing on nostalgia, writing hundreds of lists, quizzes and videos that capitalize on the social reference.
— Chris Reinacher (@chrisreinacher) August 30, 2019
Also BuzzFeed: https://t.co/iGrfp23PQM
there’s lots of good critical writing about FRIENDS, about both its failures and successes. that buzzfeed piece was decidedly not it.
— kyle 中和 turner (@TyleKurner) August 30, 2019
my congratulations to buzzfeed on their traffichttps://t.co/lguu9Lq49w
— Erin Strecker (@ErinStrecker) August 29, 2019
ONTD, do you agree or disagree?
Sources:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6