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ONTD Original™: A Pop(Culture) Odyssey '01-'10


The 2000's...the millennium. The future was here. I spent most of my formative years in the 00's from age 16-26. It was full of tacky, technology, and tastiness. While we haven't experienced a revival...yet, Let's take a trip back thru the pop culture of the 00's.

90's post.


Pencil Thin Eyebrows

For some reason, women everywhere began to pluck and wax their eyebrows to oblivion in the 2000s. Even men got into the action when they started man-scaping. My eyebrows still haven't recovered from my over plucking in the early 00's which is a bad thing since full eyebrows are now in style.

Trucker Hats

From Ashton Kutcher to Britney Spears, everyone was sporting trucker hats in the early to mid 00s. I too fell victim to this horrible trend. While I couldn't afford the Von Dutch hats, I did buy myself some cheapo hats with explicit/funny sayings on them.

Bedazzled Men's shirts

It was a dark time for men's fashion. The clubs & bars were full of gross dudes trying to buy you drinks whilst wearing their bedazzled skull baby tees. YUCK! to make matters worse, Jersey Shore on MTV really made this nonsense popular. Ed Hardy & Affliction were the top choice for douche bags across the world.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Chunky highlights, Juicy Tracksuits, Kitten Heels


Silly Bands

I was well into my mid 20's when silly bands became popular among children. The only reason I know of their existence is because I worked with small children in an after school program. I watched them fight and cry over trading/losing their silly bands. I even went as far as banning them from my classroom.

Bratz Dolls

Again, I was little too old for these dolls, but I distinctly remember the commercials with these stupid dolls. They looked like club Barbies with too much make up on. I'm still not sure what their appeal was.

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii came out my senior year of college and me and my friends used to buy a box of wine and play tennis and boxing. SO many TVs were destroyed by people throwing their controllers on accident. Wii faded out just as fast as it got popular.



Four Loko

SHIT. I remember the first time I had a four loko. I was drunk after just 1 can. I blacked out after 2. This was what you would drink when you really wanted to get wasted. We would often play Edward Four Loko Hands (taping 2 four lokos to your hands with duct tape and trying to finish it without passing out) The energy drink part of it made you think that you weren't that drunk, but the alcohol drink of it made you want to fight even the very best of friends. They eventually had to pull the product due to teenagers dying, but they relaunched it without the caffeine portion of it.

Colored Ketchup

Gross. I don't know what the Heinz executives were thinking. I love ketchup, but I prefer that it be red. There was just something unsettling about having purple and green ketchup. The product ended up flopping, before being revived in the '10s.

30 Minute Meals

I used to skip classes in college and lay in bed and watch 30 minute meals. There was something about Rachel Ray that was enthralling. All the food looked delicious and it was done in 30 minutes. I always wondered what happened to all the extra food that she cooked on the show...

HONORABLE MENTIONS: South Beach Diet, Cosmos, KFC Double Down

Celeb Scandals

Britney Spears Shaves her Head

Everyone knows where they were when the pictures were released of Britney shaving her head. She had been spiraling for quite some time before this incident and it was weird to watch it happen in real time. It only got worse from there with her 5150 hospitalization and disastrous MTV performance.

Superbowl Nipplegate

My College roommate and I actually ended up taping this performance because we wanted to go to the dining hall before it closed for the night. Good thing we did because we caught the nipple heard round the world. At first we didn't even realize what we were seeing. This was such a big deal at the time and members of ONTD still bring this incident up to this day.

1 night in Paris

The whole socialite explosion of the early 00s was such a weird thing to experience first hand. Internet gossip sites were just starting to become a thing and all they ever talked about was Paris this and Paris that. Her sex tape made waves when it was released and catapulted her into a whole new realm of fame.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Winona Ryder is a klepto, Anna Nicole Smith death, MJ trial

Iconic TV Characters

Veronica Mars

One of my favorite TV characters of all time, Veronica Mars served us sass, savvy, and sarcasm. She always stood up for what she believed in even if it was the unpopular thing to do. Her supporting cast was excellent as well. If I could resurrect any TV show today...this would be the one.

Dave Chappelle as...

Prince. Samuel L Jackson. Rick James. Lil Jon. Every character/person that Dave Chappelle played on his show was absolutely hilarious. You could not escape him in the early to mid 00's. It's a shame he left his show in the middle of the 3rd season, because I feel like he could have been successful for another 10 seasons.

Lieutenant Horatio Caine

I mean. What is there to say. I loved this stupid show and I loved Horatio Caine's stupid one liners. I still say them when I put on my sunglasses till this day. He is the best character to come out of the CSI franchise...quote me on that.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Tony Soprano, Jack Bauer, Stewie Griffin


Are you ready for the 00s revival, ONTD?

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