#MurphyBrown Boss Focusing Revival 'Through Prism of the Press,' Reveals [Spoiler] Will Return for Arc https://t.co/tWqB8wBYHMpic.twitter.com/OOZ5jN2xm6
— TVLine.com (@TVLine) August 5, 2018
-When Murphy Brown returns to our tv screens, the show will begin Nov. 8, 2016, the day America was made dumb again.
-Trumps election will bring Murphy out of retirement and we will flashfoward to present day where she will reunite with her former colleagues at a new News Station. Murphys son will of course work for a FOX like network.
-Charles Kimbrough (Jim Dial) while not a full time cast member will appear throughout the season. His character is and will stay retired.
-Episode 4 will center around #MeToo and be titled MurphyToo
-With Trump attacking the media and attempting to make them into the villains expect the show to tackle it full on.