In case you're out of the loop: The original three Spyro the Dragon games (released on the Playstation and developed by Insomniac Games) is getting a remaster published under Activision. It hits stores September of this year!
With the trailer released earlier this year, fans were blessed with a good handful of footage of the remastered Spyro the Dragon gameplay. Screen grabs and comparison shots were also released on Twitter, prompting more hype.
But at E3, and now Comic Con, more footage was released - this time, of Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer! Even better: the videos are both gameplay footage and comparison footage.
The differences between the original and the Reignited games are substantial. They are almost entirely different games; not only in look, but in feel.
▪ Look▪
—Complete character redesign; colours, lighting/shadows, angles, and textures.
—The Homeworld dragons are styled with accessories and garments that relate to their personalities and interests.
▪ Sound▪
—Remastered soundtrack for all levels and worlds with the option of switching to original soundtrack (after much fan demand); sound effects and voice work have been redone.
Video description: "The Spyro Reignited Trilogy brings a new in-game audio feature that allows players to switch between Stewart Copeland’s original and the newly remastered soundtracks. Players can simply go in to the “options menu” at any time during gameplay, select either the Original or Remastered"
▪ Feel▪
—The comedic charm of the original games seem to have been watered down with a slightly more solemn environment. The dialogue doesn't seem to have been altered much, but the delivery undeniably has taken on a new direction.
—Soft, pastel colours have been left behind for a more vibrant and detailed environment.
—Realm backgrounds - originally vast and softened with pastel fog - have been filled in with more objects relating to the world (ie. snow-topped mountains and fluffy clouds in Colossus).

All in all, fans seem pretty pleased with the work that has been done here, as well as the developer's willingness to cater to what the fans have been requesting.
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
i need need to see elora, bianca, and sheila!!