-Today DC released a "BIG" announcement (surejan) regarding the DC Universe streaming service.
-Will beta launch in August before going nationwide later in the fall.
-Will host anything you could imagine from DC: Merch, animated shows, live action shows, comic books, past DCTV/movies, remastered WW'77 series, forums.
-Their original content will include: Titans, spin off Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing. Along with animated series Harley Quinn and Young Justice: Outsiders.
-Titans will debut in 2018 and feature Robin (Dick Grayson), Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven as the main cast.
-YJ and Harley Quinn will debut in 2019 (BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
Novas imagens do Brenton Thwaites como Robin #Titanspic.twitter.com/RMm9iGVuRL
— Titans Brasil (@DCTitansBrasil) June 28, 2018