Eight years after it finished, why is Lost being reappraised? https://t.co/cAuqzpA4EPpic.twitter.com/XnVCG7JIJq
— Guardian TV (@guardianTV) May 11, 2018
The writer makes the following claims:
- The influence of LOST is still being felt everywhere, from the promotion of the new show The Crossing ("from the network that brought you LOST!") to the fact that Mike Schur actually consulted Damon Lindelof when he started writing The Good Place.
- Avengers 4 is rumoured to be heavily inspired by season 4 of LOST
- asks whether LOST is now dated or whether new fans today can still enjoy it just as much - if not, it doesn't matter because LOST has had such an influence on modern television culture that it doesn't really matter whether its quality has stood the test of time.
What say you, ONTD?