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ONTD Original™ - Halloween Edition: 20 Creepy Monsters from 'Sailor Moon'


For Moonies, one of the best things in Sailor Moon are the villains. The staff in charge of the on-screen adaptations came up with some of the weirdest opponents for the Sailor Team. And sometimes the disposable monsters in every episode were just a bit too weird or borderline creepy. Here are twenty select monsters from both anime adaptations as well as the live-action drama.

Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 11
Her name is the backward syllabic spelling of "dorimu," the Japanese transliteration of the English word "dream." Jadeite used this princess doll type youma to trap visitors at a theme park called Dreamland. She could expel hallucinogenic gas from her mouth, casting her victims into lifelike "dreams."

Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 1
Morga is the first monster Sailor Moon ever fought in the manga and both anime adaptations. She was only named in the '90s anime, though. This zombie-looking youma was super elastic, and she could place any human she drained of life energy under her thrall.

Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 8
Ami's teacher ended up being a youma. Shocker. This red, demoness-looking authoritarian could alter the shape of her left arm into weapons, including a very large ax.

Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 23
Zoisite's youma spy is named after Yaksha of Hindu mythology. She resembled a classic Japanese demon that wore a kabuki mask sometimes. The spiral horns on her head doubled as drills.

Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 17
Nephrite's modus operandi was to implant inanimate objects with youma, which would emerge once the object's owner's life force peaked. Cameran was the youma put inside of a teenager's camera. Using the living eye in the palm of her hand, Cameran could turn anyone into a photograph. She was not immune to her own power, though, as Sailor Moon quickly figured out.

Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 18
Another of Nephrite's creations was Jumeau, named after Jumeau dolls. This youma could detach and regenerate her own limbs as well as animate dolls. For some reason, her weak spot was located in her foot.

Sailor Moon R, Episode 5
In the second season of the first anime, the enemies summoned monsters called cardians from tarot cards. This particular creature was a strange one indeed. One minute, Reci resembles a woman from the Heian period. The next, she looks like the titular cat-like creatures from the 1992 movie Sleepwalkers.

Sailor Moon R, Episode 10
Another cardian was this clown one that was sent by Ail to wreck An's play. To be fair, the production was already a disaster even before the monster showed up.

Sailor Moon R, Episode 19
Calaveras concealed this droid monster inside of a wine glass. Jamanen could shift through solid matter, manipulate her own liquid body's substance to snare enemies, and she could contort her hands into weapons.

Sailor Moon R, Episode 29
The Black Moon Clan sent this Grim Reaper-looking droid into Chibi-Usa's pscyhe. The Sailor Team followed, but they were almost no match for this daunting monster of death and its scythe. Jakoku's name literally means "evil black," which connects it to the Black Moon's Evil Black Crystal.

Sailor Moon S, Episode 7
Kaolinite created this daimon by fusing Haruka's scarf with a Daimon Egg. The bizarre, cloaked creature first appeared under a car, surprising Makoto. Once her creepy mask was knocked off, Scar's elfish face was revealed.

Sailor Moon S, Episode 17
The daimons in the third season of the original anime typically bore no similarities to the ones in the manga. However, in the episode about Haruka and Michiru's origins, the pair encountered the Proto-Daimon. It looked the most like the daimons used in the manga. This version of the creature was a combination of a Daimon Egg and a human being. Sailor Neptune defeated the nightmare fuel without harming the person underneath.

Germatoid's puppets
Sailor Moon S, Episode 35
Professor Tomoe was being controlled by a daimon called Germatoid. After Sailor Uranus killed Geramtoid, its remains slithered inside these handy inanimate humanoid shells. These objects came to life and attacked Uranus and Neptune. The sounds these monsters made were most unsettling.

Sailor Moon SuperS, Episode 1
The first monster summoned by the Dead Moon's Tiger's Eye was the unnerving lemures Karakuriko. It was styled after a traditional Japanese mechanized puppet (karakuri ningyō). Karakuriko could detach her limbs like Jumeau, and she hid a retractable sword blade inside of her mouth.

Sailor Moon SuperS TV Special
A rogue lemures named Dummy attacked the guests at a hotel that Haruka and Michiru happened to be staying at. Dummy put a human under its control, using it to help him collect life energy. It fed on Haruka before Sailor Neptune intervened.

Sailor Moon SuperS TV Special
Chibi-Usa's classmate Lilica turns out to be a vampire. Well, rather it's a case where a monster is using a human as a host. The vampiric lemures feasted on Chibiusa's friend's blood before Sailor Moon saved the day.

Flower Youma
Sailor Moon R movie
In the first Sailor Moon movie, the Sailor Team fought an alien's army of ferocious flower monsters.

Jester Youma
Live-action Sailor Moon, Episode 22
The monsters in the underrated live-action Sailor Moon drama didn't really have unique names, much like in the manga. Most of them were poorly or cheaply designed, and they often had harlequin or clown motifs. This goofy jester type became more menacing as it prepared to chow down on Sailors Mars and Jupiter.

Droid Doppelgänger
Sailor Moon Crystal, Season 2, Episode 3
Petz was having an Invasion of the Body Snatchers day, and she was replacing people with droids. Makoto was caught off guard by one that tried to strangle her inside of her own apartment.

Cat Daimon
Sailor Moon Crystal, Season 3, Episode 2
In the second anime adaptation, the heroes fought daimons that looked more like the ones in the manga. The Witches 5 infected a cat with a Daimon Egg, turning it into a hulking beast. Luckily, Sailor Moon and the gang were able to rescue the kitty.

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