Great letter written by @RealRonHoward from 1999 where he defended Jake Lloyd & The Phantom Menace against an article published in Newsweek
— Thomas Storaï (@ThomasStorai) June 23, 2017
In 1999, Ron Howard wrote a letter to Newsweek in response to one of the writers repeating rumors for a buzz article in the months before Phantom Menace came out. The writer called Lloyd "Mannequin Skywalker" and just said that he couldn't act (which turned out to be true) for which Ron Howard got offended. Newsweek stuck by the writer but in the next year he ended up quitting and going back to Slate.
The letter made the rounds back in 2015, but it's become relevant again since Howard will be directing the Han Solo film.

how do you feel about crappy child actors receiving criticism?