-Catherine Sutherland who plays Kat(herine) in the Power Rangers (MMPR/Zeo/Turbo) universe took to her podcast with fellow PR costar Nakia Burrise (Zeo/Turbo) to talk about filming Once and Always MMPR special.
-She was contacted back in 2021 to see if she would be interested in reprising her role. She was apprehensive for a couple of reasons.
1. It was during COVID and NZ had very heavy laws in place and she was afraid that she may get stuck there for a prolonged period of time
2. She was tired of showing up as just a face and wanted a more substantial role (she previously returned for Dimensions in Danger)
-She states that EVERYONE was asked back but Amy/Jason/Austin turned it down
-In an earlier draft, Tommy had a downward spiral after Trini's death and it caused he/Kat to separate while they co-parent their son
-She also revealed a cut scene that involved Trini's daughter, Minh in a flashback watching her mother practice her martial arts
-Nakia was sad that she wasn't asked back but glad that they included her character as one of the Rangers that's been captured. She's now the only Zordon era Ranger to have never been asked to reprise her role after they were all let go during Turbo. (Jason wanted to leave while the other 3 wanted to stay but they found out they were being replaced from an open casting call in a newspaper. They asked her to screentest with Nakias replacement to which she refused)
David Yost, who played original Blue Power Ranger Billy, is grateful for the gay representation in new reunion special 'Once & Always': 'It's taken a long time to get there,' the actor tells EW. https://t.co/IUSVJPn8PZ
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) April 19, 2023
-David made his big Power Rangers return and he's happy with how the show has changed from his time on the show.
-Power Rangers Dino Fury introduced their first gay Power Ranger who was even given a girlfriend. The special also had a gay couple that Minh ends up saving.
-Overall he is glad that Power Rangers has always was big on racial diversity and it only makes sense for them to be inclusive LGBTQ inclusive.
-After he quit Power Rangers Zeo he entered conversion therapy in an attempt to fight being gay. He ended up having a nervous breakdown and checking himself into a hospital for 5 weeks. It took him awhile to come to terms with his sexuality.
-Walter is happy to have been the first black superhero on tv and influence so many children around the world
Her body was vaporised. This moment was originally much more explicit, but we cut it back in the edit out of respect for Trini’s memory. An earlier version of the script also had the demorphed Rangers finding Trini’s body, along with her Morpher on the beach below.
— Simon Bennett (@Pookina1) April 20, 2023
The sets were all designed for earlier versions of the script, which had different stories. The sets took 3 months to build. The viewing globe featured in earlier scripts, but not in the shooting draft, which was written two weeks before filming started. 1/2
— Simon Bennett (@Pookina1) April 21, 2023
Source: 1234