-If you don't know, Judge Judith Sheindlin decided to walk away from Judge Judy after 25 years to pursue a new judging show on Amazon Primes - Imbd ad-supported channel.
-She taped her final episode of Judge Judy in April and did not shed a tear.
-Made $47million/year for Judge Judy and since this information was widely known she didn't have to really negotiate a salary with Amazon as they knew what kind of salary she'd demand.
-Bodes part of her success to making a brand that couldn't survive without her unlike The Peoples Court whose gone through 4 judges in it's 35 years, 3 of which Judys husband resided over.
-New show will be titled Judy Justice, some of her crew from Judge Judy will follow her to the new show, does not plan on reinventing the wheel.
-Has to deliver a certain amount of episodes to Amazon by December wherein they will decide when to air the show.
-Was tired of the upkeep her iconic hairdo needed which is why she changed to the simple pulled back hairdo.

Do you have a fave/preferred Judging show?