Unlike what everyone thinks, not EVERYTHING is available through streaming platforms, hell not even DVD, so let's take a trip down memory lane to mourn great shows that are just not available anywhere anymore
10. Two Guys and a Girl (and a Pizza Place) (1998-2001)
Back it it's day this used to be a great performer for ABC and it's where Nathan Fillion and Ryan Reynolds started their careers. (And it's actually quite funny). The show WAS released on DVD a few years ago and while it appears to be selling on Amazon, they've been out of stock for years and no streaming service has the rights to let us watch this again. (The show is on Youtube tho, but in extremely low quality).
9. Early Edition (1996-2000)
Before he used to go around coaching football teams, Kyle Chandler starred in a show in which he solved crimes because a cat dropped tomorrow's newspaper on his door (lol remember reading physical newspapers). Same as other shows, Complete series DVDs are being sold on Amazon, but they've been out of stock for a while and no streaming service seems interested in airing it again.
8. John Doe (2002 - 2003)
Before he started traveling through time and breaking out of prisons, Dominic Purcell did two things: He styled his hair and starred in John Doe, a drama about a man that couldn't remember anything about his past and thought an organization was after him. While critically loved, the show only lasted one season.
7. Once & Again (1999-2001)
Back in the day ABC had some great shows and if you're a child of divorce, you probably watched 'Once & Again' about two single parents that got together even if their families resisted. The leads and the show got nominated for Emmys and Sela Ward even won as best actress, yet the show is mostly known for being the first show to include a lesbian kiss between girls (Mischa Barton and Evan Rachel Wood). The show can't be found anywhere (although some episodes are on Youtube).
6. Suddenly Susan (1996-2000)
Suddenly Susan starred Brook Shields as a female reporter in a shallow magazine. The show was funny enough with Nelson Carbonell and Kathy Griffin being scene stealers, although the show is mostly known because David Strickland, one of the show's stars killed himself between seasons. Sadly, the show can't be found anywhere, even though some fan made DVD's are around the web.
5. Veronica's Closet (1997-2000)
The creators of Friends also had a very well written show on NBC around the same time, which was Suddenly Susan, although nowhere nearly as successful. The show had some standout moments but sadly there are no DVD's nor streaming platforms where you can rewatch this.
4. Chicago Hope (1994-2000)
CBS wanted a piece of all the success E.R. had so they made 'Chicago Hope' which eventually became a show on it's own with great drama and tons of Emmy nominations through it's 6 seasons. Sadly, the show has not been picked up by any streaming platform and DVD's are extremely rare, and even then they do not feature the original music due to licensing issues.
3. Moonlighting (1985-1989)
Probably not everyone remembers that Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis starred in a romantic procedural and one of the first tv dramedys. The show never had a wide DVD release, and the few ones going around the web are fanmade with recorded episodes from Nick-at-nite since the show never had a syndication deal.
2. Cold Case
There's no better example of a show becoming GREAT due to it's soundtrack. Cold Case was probably like most procedurals but it often packed quite a heartwrenching emotional gut punch when the case montage and EXCELLENT music choice appeared at the end. And it's that great music choice why the show has not been released on DVD nor it'll ever be available on streaming sites. You can enjoy some clips on youtube and some fans have managed to find the original episodes that aired on CBS back in the day that you can find on some
1. As If (2001-2004)
A TV show truly ahead of it's time, AS IF featured a bunch of teens/y.a. and their lived through different character POV during each episode. The show was soooooo 2000s, and even the way it was shot was incredibly fast and uncommon even for today's standards. They also featured some pretty cool LGBTQ+ storylines (for the time). They also tried to include current music, even top charters which makes licencing issues a big deal for it to be released on DVD or on any streaming platform. The show was so successful that their order was increased to 20 episodes per season (uncommon for the 6-8 seasons UK used to do back then). UPN even ordered an american version that only lasted 2 episodes. The show can only be found incomplete on youtube thanks to fans who recorded pieces of the original airings.
Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
ONTD, Which show you've wanted to watch again, yet you haven't been able to find?