A new report says that the upcoming #PowerRangers movie reboot will be in the same continuity as the TV series! - https://t.co/785dI9W7Uspic.twitter.com/BxpktOUFCg
— ComicBook.com (@ComicBook) July 11, 2020
- Script leaks have revealed big spoilers for Paramount's new Power Rangers reboot movie.
- The film will be very diverse (as the TV show has been) featuring the first female leading red ranger (IT's Sophia Lillis seems to be one of the first choices) and the first out gay blue ranger (and not with a barely mentioned quote like the last film).
- Apparently the main bad guy will be Lord Zedd and it will be set within the show continuity since the new rangers are sent to the past and most of the film happens in the early 90s so you can get a full-on nostalgic trip. Unlike the 2017 reboot, this version will be a lot more campy like the original show.
- The script also reveals Kimberly and Tommy have big roles and the report says they're looking to bring the original actors back with de-aging tech.
ONTD, are you excited for this version of Power Rangers?