'Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna' will be available for everyone this October, but some key scenes have already leaked online.
Agumon's evolution to Greymon and MetalGreymon
Angemon and Angewomon vs Parrotmon
Omegamon vs Eosmon
The digidestined Wakeup
Zero Two (and international) digidestined fight! and death of Omegamon. OP NOTE: OMG!!! THE INTERNATIONAL DIGIDESTINED FROM ZERO TWOOOO!!!
Evolution to Agumon Courage and Garumon Friendship:
Source 1,2,3,4,5,6
Agumon's evolution to Greymon and MetalGreymon
Angemon and Angewomon vs Parrotmon
Omegamon vs Eosmon
The digidestined Wakeup
Zero Two (and international) digidestined fight! and death of Omegamon. OP NOTE: OMG!!! THE INTERNATIONAL DIGIDESTINED FROM ZERO TWOOOO!!!
Evolution to Agumon Courage and Garumon Friendship:
Source 1,2,3,4,5,6